Self Care Reflection Questions To Manifest Your Dream Life
Jump right in, let’s bridge the gap between your dream life and journaling with self-care reflection questions that are specifically designed to cater to your overall wellness.

Have you recently sat with your thoughts? Even if you only devote five minutes a day to meditation or writing, the practice can have a significant impact on your mental health. We especially enjoy using these self-care reflection questions to assist us navigate life changes or when we need new journal prompts to get our ideas on paper.
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The following questions will help you develop your relationship with yourself and materialize your ideal life. You will also find questions to help you identify your values and organize your life. Perhaps some sections are relevant to the present season of your life. If they don’t, try including some of them into your next journal entry.
Self Reflection Questions to Find Yourself
1 . What is something you love about yourself?
2. Name an activity that makes you feel alive?
3. Describe your perfect day? This is a day you deserve.
4. Write about an event that changed the way you think, your perspective in life?
5. If you had to title your life as chapters of a book what would they be and why?
6. What is a characteristic that makes you stand out among others
7. What is something you do that is fun that others don’t typically know about?
8. Name a topic that you could give a 30 minute presentation on in full confidence without any preparation?
9. Describe a moment in life where you felt healed?
10. Write about a moment when you established boundaries with someone and felt so “free”?
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Self Reflection Questions for your Future Goals
1.Am I open to feedback from others and willing to learn more?
2. What are my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How am I managing my time and prioritizing task?
4. What are my long and short time goals?
5. What steps am I taking to achieve my goals?
6. Describe the choices you are making that align with your overall well-being and happiness?
7. Am I utilizing my skills and talents to their fullest potential?
8. What are my limiting beliefs that are holding me back?
9. What steps can I take to to overcome my limiting beliefs?
10. Think about a recent setback, what can I learn from that failure?
Self Care Reflection Questions to Ask Every Morning
1.How are you feeling today?
2. What changes do you want to make in your life right now?
3. Name something that keeps you up at night and how can you change it?
4. When do you make time for the things that keep you feeling alive?
5. Do you make time for the people and places that make you happy?
6. What is something recent you are proud of and why?
7. Do you feel content in life?
8. What areas of your life feel in place?
9. What was your first thought when you wake up?
10. Do you have a solid and consistent self-care routine?
Self Reflection Questions for Peace & Happiness
1.What is something you would love for others to know about you?
2.What failures turned out to be blessings?
3.What is something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t gotten around to it?
4. What will make your life worthwhile?
5. Who makes you smile each time you are around them?
6. Name three things that matter the most to you?
7. If you only had a week left to live, what are a few things you would do to live life to the fullest
8. What are some past goals you have made for life and achieved?
9. What are you most proud about in life?
10. Are you happy? why or why not?
Questions To Ask Yourself for Financial Health
1. How do you feel about your money right now?
2. When was the last time you felt desperate for money and what did you do to change it?
3. What was your money story growing up?
4. Do you believe that you need to work hard to have money? Why or why not?
5. What is your plan for having more money in the future?
6. When have you had the most money in life? and what did you do with it?
7. What was your mindset about money when you first started to earn it? Has it changed since then?
8. What would you like your money story to be right now?
9. Does having more money make you spend more? Why or why not?
10. What do you spend the most money on weekly? Is it a need or a want?
Self Reflection Questions for Personal Growth
1. What is your biggest fear right now?
2. Are your fears based on past experiences, or is it a fact?
3. What is something you can do to eliminate those fears?
4. What self-improvement task will you accomplish today?
5. What did you do this week to fill your own cup?
6. Am I completely honest with myself when I make a mistake? What can I do better?
7. How do I feel about my current situation?
8. What are a few things I could add to my vision board for self-improvement?
9. Am I prioritizing myself enough? What do I have time to do more of?
10. Describe a recent moment when I was kind to myself?
Self Reflection Questions for your Daily Routine & Habits
1.What are some bad habits from childhood that I have carried into adulthood?
2. What is something my younger self would be surprised about my habits now?
3. What are my toxic traits?
4. What are some habits I have that are annoying to my partner? and what can I do to start changing it?
5. What is the first sign that I am slipping back into a bad habit?
6. Do your habits dictate how your day will be?
7. What are some routines you can start to build better habits?
8. List your dream routine and describe how it will benefit your lifestyle?
9. If time was not an issue, what is a self-care habit you would make each day?
10. What motivates you to continue routines and good habits?
Self Reflection Questions for your marriage
1. What is something nice I did for my partner yesterday? What can I do today?
2. In what ways do I show my partner that I value being married?
3. What are a few changes I can make to grow in marriage?
4. Do I take part in harmful behavior in my relationship? What is it?
5. Do I give my partner the same love and affection that is given to my other family members and friends? Why or why not?
6. What are 3 ways I can communicate problems in our relationship without a brewing arguement?
7. Describe a moment when I spoke to my partner in a manner that was not respectful or fit. How did it make me feel? Is that something I plan to change?
8. In what areas of my marriage do I tend to bring up my past experiences in relationships instead of trusting the values of my partner?
9. Do I feel confident and safe in my marriage?
10. How can I fill my marriage with laughter and good memories?
Self Reflection Questions for Mom Guilt
1. Are the motherhood expectations I have established realistic for where I am in life?
2. Am I taking the time I need to establish a healthy self-care routine? How/Why not?
3. How can I effectively communicate my boundaries with my family and loved ones?
4. In what ways am I being kind to myself for the effort I put into motherhood, regardless of good or bad days?
5. What are some activities you can do to spend quality time with your family?
6. When was the last time you asked for help?
7. What are the signs that show when it’s time for you to reach out to family or friends for help?
8. What are some kinds words to remind myself of when I need to be reminded that mistakes are a natural part of parenting?
9. How can I celebrate each day in motherhood, regardless of how small it may seem?
10. What routines can I establish to help me eliminate mom guilt?
Self Reflection Questions to Know Yourself Better
1. How has your identity changed since becoming a mother?
2. What are a few things that you want your children to admire you for?
3. What are 3 favorite things about yourself as a mom?
4. Describe a moment of joy you want to experience again?
5. Am I treating myself the way I want my kids to treat themselves?
6. What do I love about the person I am turning into and why?
7. When am I the happiness?
8. What does your ideal self look like? What does it mean to be your higher self?
9. What are some of your core values you want others to know you for?
10. Is there something you’re still holding onto and why?
5 Life Changing Resources Most Appreciated by Self-care Lovin’ Moms

Luxury Self-care Planner by momAgenda
Self-care is an essential ingredient to a happy, authentic life. Make self-care a healthy habit and a permanent part of your lifestyle with our brand new Self-Care Planner. You’ll create healthy routines, focus on what really matters each day, and put your needs back on the to-do list.
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