How To Level Up As a Woman: Entering Motherhood
If you’re a millennial mom like me or maybe just a new mom feeling a little down and complacent, you need to level up, sis. At least that’s what I like to call it. In this post, you will learn all about how to level up as a woman entering motherhood. Trust me… you don’t wanna miss this.

If you are looking to level up as a woman in your 20s then this post is for you. We will get into all of the honest truths about “leveling up” as a woman and as a millennial mom.
This post is all about how to level up as a woman
But wait, before we jump right in, let me introduce myself. Hi, I’m Char Dion, full-time mom and Certified Motherhood Self-care coach. Through this dedicated blog, I help moms reclaim themselves post-pregnancy and enjoy motherhood to the fullest! If you want 1:1 support to help you find balance as a mom, find solutions to eliminate those feeling of being overwhelmed and support around raising a baby and being a first time mom, click here! I’ll provide you with FREE workbooks and we will set off on a journey of rediscovery! 🙂
What is ‘leveling up’?
personal growth
How to Level Up As A Woman: 10 Profound Ways

1. Start your journey of self-discovery and self-awareness
If you are determined to become a high class woman of value despite the stressors of motherhood, you need to focus on yourself. I know what you are thinking? That the baby leaves you little to no time to focus on yourself.
Well here is what you need to do in order to snatch some time for yourself if you want to learn the exact steps of how to level up as a woman.
- Practice mindset shifts
- Find moments through out the day where you can self-reflect
- Try journaling with prompts
- Read daily quotes
- Practice positive affirmations.
These are all the ways ‘level’d up woman embark on a self-discovery journey for maximized self-reflection.
2. Pursue Higher emotional intelligence
Oh boy! I remember those restless postpartum days. Where it seemed like I spent most of my time either crying, breastfeeding, or pumping.
I can tell you right now, that is not where you want to be in life. That is a windy road towards loneliness and anxiety. Trust me… I’ve been there.
However, if you truly study how to level up as a woman you will uncover that there is a high sense of emotional intelligence that you need. Being emotionally intelligent doesn’t mean that you can’t cry or express yourself. If fact, it means the opposite.
Emotionally intelligent woman are willing to express themselves…but, in multiple different ways. See, here’s the thing. Level’d up woman have a high sense of regard and respect for themselves. Similar to the previous point, they take moments to really hone in on themselves through activities such as self-reflection questions, journaling, and positive affirmations.
Because of such, They are able to mitigate issues and situations that cause them distress and appropriately address them. Sister, this is such a huge deal low-key.
Let me tell you why…
As a mom, when you first enter motherhood, you will encounter some really triggering things taking place. Whether it be a sick child, colic (this was my issue), or confusion as to what to do as a first time mom… these are all highly stressful issues.
With that said, your level of emotional intelligence will carry you when you find yourself in the slumps of motherhood stress.
3. Establish clear personal goals
On another note, if you’re sitting here wondering how to level up as a woman you are probably at a place in life where you feel stagnant. Mama, I feel your pain.
Let me just say this…
Motherhood is so beautiful and rewarding. But, it can also be super draining. You quickly lose yourself in the process because there is an ENTIRE human life dependent on every single decision you make. Even the slightest… if that’s not scary I don’t know what is.
I say all this to say, that when you establish clear and unconditional personal goals for yourself you will level up in a magnitude of ways.
These are some personal goals you can set to level up as a woman
- Create multiple income streams
- Exercise 3 days a week
- write my gratitude list once a week
- Buy high quality items
- Drink a green smoothie or eat a salad every day
- Track and develop a budget
- journal every night before bed/ Use journal prompts to help
- Go to bed at the same time each day
- drink a water daily
- “treat” yourself once a week
4. Overcoming Self-doubt and limiting beliefs
Like many millennial moms, self-doubting the ability to lead and shape the world around us can be really hard. Let’s face it. If things don’t look as picture perfect as the people we follow on Instagram, we immediately shut down. If you want to learn how to level up in your 20’s, start working on your self-doubt and limited beliefs.
Easily, we lie to ourselves, telling ourselves that we can’t accomplish the goals we once set for ourselves because we are now “mom”.
We’ve allowed folks’ to tell us that we should enjoy a slow and simple lifestyle.
That it’s okay (and much preferred) for us to stop chasing dreams and focus on homemaking.
If you are looking for a healthy start at breaking down those walls of trauma and defeating those limited beliefs, book your free 1:1 self-care session consultation call with me. You deserve to be the best version of yourself and I’ll walk with you hand in hand.
5. Prioritizing self-care and ‘me’ time moments
Now mama, when was the last time you had a self pamper night. If you have to think on it, you are probably way overdue for a little me time.
You came here because you are wondering how to level up as a woman, well self-care will always be my wholehearted, B.S free answer. Up front!
Similar post: How to live a luxurious lifestyle
If you want to level up your life and level up as a high value woman, it is impairative that you take care of yourself and make it a standard.
Being a mom, we give, give, give…but rarely give to ourselves. Stop making the excuses as to why you aren’t doing for you and go claim yourself. Remember, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”.
There are so many ways you can indulge in “me” time. If you are lost for ideas that feel organic to you, I recommend you try the ideas mentioned in this post: 40 Simple “me” time ideas for busy moms
6. Find Communities and Relationships that nurture you
Do you remember those initial days in the hospital after giving birth? Those are the days that so many mamas love.
Because help and support is readily available. If you were fortunate to have really great nurses/birthing staff then you can guess where I’m going with this.
Find communities or relationships that are supportive of where you are in life and will be there to help as you transition into motherhood. Honestly say, many new moms say they felt super empowered leaving the hospital because they were supported throughout my stay.
A lot of the times, you may even leave equipped with the knowledge of how to get the support you needed (if needed) once you’ve had a few days home with the baby.
All things said, the best advice for how to level up as a woman in motherhood is to make sure you surround yourself with people, programs, or communities that will allow you to flourish in motherhood. This is how you level up. If you were already killin’ the mom game, then finding the right people in your life will take you to the next level. That personal growth is ALWAYS undefeated.
7. Reconnect with your professional/financial goals

Let me say this (say it with me), just because you became a mom does not mean you give up….
*One more time for the folk in the back*
JUST BECAUSE YOU BECAUSE YOU BECAME A MOM DOES NOT MEAN YOU GIVE UP…this absolutely goes for anything. For your education, for your career, for your relationship. Don’t give up. Nurture those things.
I say nurture those things, because now that you have entered motherhood, those things will always be a gentle tug at your individuality and identity.
As I mentioned previously, you can get sucked into motherhood very quickly. So, having something that was once so vital to your identity is super helpful if things get rough.
On another note, reconnecting with your professional and financial goals will cause you to reflect on why those goals are important. As a mom, it’s a no brainer. Having a new life makes you want to work extremely hard to provide the best life that you can. Don’t believe me? Take it from Serena Williams and Meghan Markle.
You are a rockstar! Never give up!
8. Reward yourself for the great job your doing
Mama, let me just say this… You are doing a ROCKSTAR job. If no one told you today that you are glue to your family. then I am here to say it.
Now go treat yourself to a nice dinner.
If not already obvious, I firmly believe in self-gratitude (But not in a cocky way). Just as a message to your brain to keep up the good work. It’s a morale boost.
Once you understand that you are deserving for any good coming your way then you are on the right track to understanding how to level up as a woman.
9. Practice and Journal positive affirmations
On the other hand, positive affirmations are cornerstone to leveling up as a woman. Your wellness and mental/emotional agility will become a beautiful aspect of growth.
To level up we want to be the most healed versions of ourselves. Hence, why we preach to our readers to download the inner child workbook in the printables tab.
Start doing the work… heal your self… and become the woman of your dreams.
10. Refresh your home for a more elegant style
Last but certainly not least, if you want to learn the appearance side of how to level up as a woman, the nyou should give some though into refreshing your home.
This kinda goes along with that crazy saying you might have heard.
“When you look good, you feel good” well…
In this case, it’s something like… “when your HOME looks good, you feel good.” Don’t roll your eyes… you know it’s true. There is nothing better than a freshly mopped floor, with sparking clean counters.
That alone makes you feel more elegant and upscale.
Welp! I hope that this blog post served you well and you were able to gather usable information that is helpful to you as you level up as a woman.
This post was all about how to level up as a woman.