How To Live a Luxurious Lifestyle: Experts Advice
If you’ve been on Instagram lately, you have been bombarded with content featuring people living lavish lives. That’s just how things are over in the IG world. Perhaps you want a little taste of that. In this post we are going to explore EXACTLY how to live a luxurious lifestyle.

This post was all about how to live a luxurious lifestyle
How to live a luxurious life
There are five main pillars of creating a luxurious lifestyle. Those five pillars are physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. Ready to get into the dirty details of all of the pillars?
But wait, before we jump right in, let me introduce myself. Hi, I’m Char Dion, full-time mom and Certified Motherhood Self-care coach. Through this dedicated blog, I help moms reclaim themselves post-pregnancy and enjoy motherhood to the fullest! If you want 1:1 support to help you find balance as a mom, find solutions to eliminate those feeling of being overwhelmed and support around raising a baby and being a first time mom, click here! I’ll provide you with FREE workbooks and we will set off on a journey of rediscovery! 🙂
Physical Ways to live a luxurious lifestyle
1. Make time to pamper yourself

Listen mamas we all know how demanding life can get. We try our hardest to be everything for everyone and sometimes we need to practice a little self-love. That can easily start with some pampering.
The best way to pamper yourself is through establishing routines such as a skincare routine or a shower routine.
2. Treat yourself to a nice dinner that feels luxury
The key to live a luxurious life is to spend time with yourself. And even better if you spend that time at a fancy dinner. Having a fancy dinner doesn’t have to be a super expensive dinner.
Read: Living Romance: 50 Elegant Ways to Romanticize Your Life
3. find a creative outlet
Finding hobbies that represent you in the purest way is a great opportunity to live a more luxury lifestyle. If you are looking for hobbies that will teach you how to live a luxurious lifestyle try some of the activities listed below.
Luxury Lifestyle activities to join
- Wine tasting/pouring
- Gourmet Cooking Classes
- Art collecting
- Luxury travel
- Tennis lessons
- Horseback riding
- Join a golf club
- Try sailing and yachting
- Collecting and styling designer fashion
- Join philanthropic charities
- Attend galas
4. burn your favorite candle

Sometimes, the aroma and the calming shift of the home is your most practical way to live a luxurious lifestyle. There is something sweet and sexy about candle light that bridges luxury and romance.
If you are having a day of pampering or in need of a quick way to make your home feel a bit more lavish. Spark up your most favorite candle and enjoy the essence of it.
Read: Resort Style Home Decor Aesthetics to Make Your Home Feel Cozy
Luxurious lifestyle home décor products
5. make and use a bedside beauty station
Without a doubt, one common element you see in women who live a luxury lifestyle is that their beauty standards are set high.
Hair, makeup, perfume is ALWAYS on point. Since your on the path in learning about how to live a luxurious lifestyle, you need to create a bedside beauty station or a fully stocked on the go beauty bag.
Check out some of these Pinterest boards of really great bedside beauty stations.
Mental Luxurious lifestyle ideas
6. Be productive each day
A woman who is productive each day is bound the be successful and succeed at everything she accomplishes. However, having moments to make a plan each day or jot down goals of the day is the best method to get more things done.
Additionally, self-care gurus will tell you that one of the many foundations in how to live a luxurious life is to make yourself hard to reach. Yes, limited access. Those who walk the shoes of a high-value woman are not easily accessible. Think of your favorite celebrity: Beyoncé, and Kim Kardashian. These woman are hard to reach even within the small network of A-list celebrities.
This is because, they know their worth. They understand the value they bring to any room they walk into. Most importantly, these woman are HIGHLY productive and they grind day and night to accomplish goals.
7. make a gratitude list
I know what you are thinking… “every time I search ‘how to live a luxurious lifestyle?’, I am told to manifest and show gratitude” … Well… there is some truth to it. Woman who take the time to journal daily and reflect on the things they are most grateful for have a significant advantage at getting ahead.
This is because they are not only manifesting the dream lifestyle of riches and leisure, they are walking in an era of appreciation and delight. It radiates off of them and other people can see it.
This in itself will open many doors for woman who position themselves with gratitude.

8. be kind to yourself
On another note, self-care coaches can’t preach enough about the importance of expressing self-love. This includes being kind to yourself and giving yourself grace for the things you can’t control.
Women who live a more luxurious lifestyle do not waste time glooming over things that can not be fixed. They forgive, and move forward. These women look forward to the pleasures of the day and romanticize the intricacies they encounter.
Emotional Ways to Live a Luxurious lifestyle
9. read positive affirmations
One of the most fun ways of how to live a luxurious lifestyle is to read and journal some positive affirmations. Positive affirmation can be such a vital aspect of breaking down limited beliefs and rebranding yourself as a woman of status with a luxury lifestyle.
Below are some of the affirmations you can use to guide you to better mental wellbeing and positivity.

10. journal about your feelings
Similar to journaling positive affirmations, You can take this opportunity to journal about your feelings. Recently, I attended a journaling session called “write it out”. I can’t preach enough about how healing this event was. We took time to connect as woman and pour our hearts out on paper.
This opportunity opened the eyes of all the women there who needed a moment of clarity so that they can move forward in life and level up.
reflect on the truths of the day
Learning how to live a luxurious lifestyle requires some self-reflection. This is something that you goes a bit more deeper then mentally reflecting on where you’ve been in life and where you see yourself in the future.
As a motherhood self-care coach, I teach women to focus on self-reflection prompts. Self-reflection prompts can force you to step outside of the subconscious scope of your thoughts and make you relieve inner child moments that have guided you.
You can use these inner child reflections to place you in a new position to move forward in the future for a lifestyle that is more luxurious and soft.
Read more about self-reflection here: 105 Self Reflect Questions For New Moms to Ask Themselves
11. Show your concern for others
In other words, make sure you give the others your empathy. One thing that makes a woman appear more luxurious is her innate ability to be a people person. She knows just how to make others feel seen, heard and felt. To them it feels like a luxury to have such access to you in that manner.
Likewise, a luxurious woman knows when to unplug or put her phone down and give her attention to people.

Spiritual luxurious lifestyle ideas
12. meditate and pray
Additionally, when learning how to live a luxurious life you may want to try you hand at mediation and prayer. Religion is something that bonds people together and has the ability to make you appear more angelic.
A luxurious woman may spend more time in prayer or in a mediation session to center herself and grow spiritually.
13. create a vision board
Vision boarding is not just a task that individuals do in the new year. If you want to know how to live a luxurious life, you have to build yourself a guide with the main elements in life that you want.
A vision board is your tangible manifestation. It is something that is literally in your hands that you can bring to life. Its your vision for a luxurious life. All you have to do if chase after it.
Frequently Asked Questions About Building A Luxurious Lifestyle
How do you live a luxurious lifestyle?
To start living luxuriously, adopt the mentality that you are deserving of luxury. Obviously, you can begin by raising your income, investing wisely, and maintaining cautious financial management. However, wealth does not always equate luxury. Luxury is a mindset that requires a centered spirit that enjoys the finer aspects of life.
You can spend precious moments in life elevating the ambiance of your house with opulent furnishings and décor. Or, by savoring exquisite dining experiences and discover gourmet food.
However, the key to living a more luxurious lifestyle is to make wellbeing and self-care a priority, and think about giving back to foster a sense of abundance in your life. Maintaining a sustainable lifestyle while still enjoying luxury and being aware of its influence other is vital.
What is considered a luxurious lifestyle?
A luxury lifestyle is defined by an abundance of riches and resources that allows people to enjoy the finer things in life.
5 Life Changing Resources Most Appreciated by Self-care Lovin’ Moms

Luxury Self-care Planner by momAgenda
Self-care is an essential ingredient to a happy, authentic life. Make self-care a healthy habit and a permanent part of your lifestyle with our brand new Self-Care Planner. You’ll create healthy routines, focus on what really matters each day, and put your needs back on the to-do list.
This post just provided you all the practical steps of how to live a luxurious lifestyle.

Love this article. Great ideas here!
Hi Monica,
What a pleasure it is to have you read and enjoy this topic about how to live a luxurious lifestyle. If there is anything I can help with at all, don’t hesitate to reach out.