Midweek motivation quotes to upgrade your week

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This post is all about midweek motivation quotes

Why motivation is needed midweek?

If you are anything like most people, that midweek slump is a real thing. Just think about last week and when you felt like you needed a pick me up the most. Smh! Something about Wednesdays just call for an extra dose of positivity and encouragement.

It’s like you’re so close to Friday, yet still far way from a weekend of freedom. If any of this resonates with you then click the video below for an extra dose of midweek motivation.

Top Midweek motivation quotes To Keep You Going!

Funny midweek motivation

  1. Ever had a really long week and then realize it’s just Tuesday? -Anonymous
  2. Better days are coming they are called Saturday and Sunday -Unknown
  3. Even after Monday and Tuesday the work week goes WTF! – Noel Coward
  4. Wednesday is latin for “almost friday”
  5. Happiness Does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think -Buddha

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  1. Nothing ruins a Friday then realizing today is Wednesday -Unknown
  2. Wednesdays are like the Mondays in the middle of the week -Lee Fox Williams
  3. Today’s challenges are tomorrows Success – Denis Watle
  4. I’m not saying that Wednesday is the worst day of the week. But, it’s definitely in the top two. -Unknown
  5. Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive -Elbert Hubbard
  6. A good Wednesday is a day when we did things, ams we did them well. -Liza Hawkins
  1. Wednesday = almost, kinda, sorta, close to the weekend – Unknown
  2. On Wednesdays we wear determinations -Unknown
  3. Halfway there, halfway to success. Wednesday fuels the journey -Anonymous
  4. But for those people who might give up; Get real about what you want and go after it – Cory Monteith
  5. In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. -Albert Einstein
  6. The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves -Bob Proctor
  7. Great thigns are done by a series of small things brought together – Vincent Van Gogh

Midweek encouragement quotes

  1. Make yourself a priority
  2. On the days when you feel too overwhelmed. Know that God is not finished yet!
  3. Hang in there strong girl. Hard times don’t last forever. Life moves on and so will you -Eunice Loreto
  4. Success is not final, failure is not fatal – Winston Churchill
  5. Talent means nothing while experience, acquired in Humility with hard work, means everything -Patrick Suskind
  6. The best way to appreciate you’re job is to imagine yourself without one. -Oscar Wilde
  1. Dream it. Wish it. Do it. -Unknown
  2. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out – Robert Collier
  3. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary -Vidal Sassoon
  4. Everything you ever wanted was on the other side of fear -George Addair
  5. Set your goals high and don’t stop until you get there -Bo Jackson
  6. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now” -Chinese Proverb
  7. To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong -Joseph Pearce
  8. It always seems impossible until its done -Nelson Mandela
  9. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. -Franklin D. Roosevelt
  10. There is no shortcuts to any place worth going -Beverly Sills
  11. Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves. – Dale Carnegie
  12. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces -Will Rogers

Motivational quotes for work success

  1. Gear up. It’s Wednesday another day to excel and exceed expectations
  2. Today is a day filled with new opportunities
  3. Wednesday is a day to reflect on the week so far and set new intentions for the rest of it.
  4. There is still enough time to work towards this weeks goals.
  5. It’s Wednesday and halfway through the week. Which means I am strong and capable of making it through.
  6. Wednesday is a great day to focus on what you can do, not what you can’t. Keep pushing forward. success is just around the corner.
  7. There is no reason this Wednesday can’t be the best day of the work week.
  8. I take that all the time I need to prioritize my goals effectively
  9. Wednesday is the perfect opportunity to reflect and adjust my goals as needed.
  10. I feel like Wednesdays are great days to pursue my goals.
  11. Wednesday are great days to reflect on the progress made towards your dreams
  12. The hard work I put into today will absolutely pay off.
  13. I am a valuable asset in my work place
  14. I am able to set clear goals and executive them professionally
  15. I will never allow challenges to stop me from making today a successful day.
  16. Each Wednesday I feel inspired at work.
  17. No matter what happened earlier this week, Wednesdays allow me to reset and choose productivity for the rest of the week ahead.
  18. I choose a happy work week each Wednesday.

Positive Wednesday quotes

  1. I am determined to make Wednesdays the best day of the week
  2. New Wednesday, new goals.
  3. Enjoy your Wednesday. Only 4 more days til the weekend.
  4. It’s Wednesday, Stop doubting yourself. Work hard and make it happen.
  5. Not me dreaming about the weekend on a Wednesday.
  6. Forget Hump Day. It’s Winesday.
  7. Wednesday: 3 days until Saturday to make things happen.
  8. If you can dream about it, you can work for it
  9. The productivity on Wednesdays are sponsored by coffee.

How to Use These Midweek Motivation Quotes Effectively

If you are a journaling girlie, then these midweek motivation Quotes will literally save you so much time. Use these midweek motivation quotes as journal prompts, moments of self-reflection, and daily reminders.

These midweek motivation quotes are concise enough to jot down on a sticky note and place anywhere that will be most visible to you. A great place to stick motivational quotes is on a bathroom mirror, car mirror, or on your water tumbler.

This post was all about midweek motivation quotes



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