
How to become classy in 3 days!

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If you’ve made it here you’re probably at a crossroad in life and looking for a little self-improvement. Welp! let’s dive into the world of divine femininity and learn how to glow up in just 3 days! Here are the in’s and out’s of how to become classy instantly.

how to become classy
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This post is all about how to become classy

Why Should You Aspire To Become More Classy?

Becoming more classy allows you to tap into your divine feminine energy throughout your daily routines. Learning how to be classy should not be a hinderance into who you are.

But Instead, it should build upon your personality and characteristics that make you who you are. Establishing a presence of class will open doors for you and draw the right people into your life effortlessly.

As you learn how to become more classy you will discover how to embrace your purpose and shine your light as a high value woman.

How to Become Classy in 3 Days: A Comprehensive Guide

Day 1: Find Your Signature Scent

The first hurdle into your journey of becoming classy is to identify a signature scent that embodies who you are. Scent is super important as a high value and feminine woman.

You might be wondering why right now. Honestly, think about it. Scent is like a time capsule. I bet you can think of a few scents right now that always jog a favorite memory.

As you learn how to become a classy woman, keep in mind that you want to me memorable. Having a signature scent will allow others to think of you when ever they come across a similar smell or even when you leave a room.

On another note, as a classy women having a signature scent is ideal for mood shifting. Many studies have shown that scent can shape perceptions and shift moods. Allow your scent to tell your story without you having to say a word.

Fragrance Favorite:

Tips for finding your signature scent

First things first, as you learn how to become classy in 3 days pick a signature scent to linger around while you are on this journey. To find your scent take the day to visit different perfumeries or fragrance counters at the mall (my favorite – because sometimes you can get a few free samples).

Every classy woman has found her signature scent differently, just as each scent is different. However, the most important aspect of identifying a scent is to make sure it is YOU! Find that perfect fragrance that matches your personality.

How to include your signature scent in your daily routine

If you aren’t sure how to maintain your scent all day and smell delicious as a classy women then consider these little tricks. As a first, make sure you wash your clothes in a laundry soap that not only gives your clothes a good cleanse, but also smells super good. If you didn’t know, Bath and body works has a new collection of laundry soap you can read all about it here.

Also, as you continue your journey into learning how to become a classy woman you should embrace fragrance sets. For instance, try coupling a body lotion with a perfume spray. There are so many great options that are affordable. My favorite set, Bombshell can be found at Victoria Secret and it is absolutely perfect for any time of the year and pairs super well with a body lotion.

Day 2: Elevate Your Appearance

Establish a classy look

A classy appearance is super essential to mastering how to become classy. As your official lesson in day two you will explore how to invest in timeless pieces that elevate your look.

Remember that we want to embody that divine feminine energy, so consider dresses and high quality pieces that appeal towards your body.

Here are a few pieces that are absolute gems to make you look more classy:

Prioritize your posture an classy woman

First things first, as you learn how to become a classy women you might want to think about other women you know who are classy and consider how they stand and how they walk.

Classy women often have great posture and tend to walk gracefully. Your presence can be much improved by projecting confidence and open body language. For instance, throughout conversations, keep your eyes open and smile warmly and sincere to come across as approachable.

Avoid crossing your arms, which can come out as defensive, and instead keep them open and relaxed. To highlight ideas, use your hands naturally; try not to fidget. You’ll radiate elegance and warmth when you project confidence and openness.

Classy women are well groomed and maintained

Another great aspect of learning how to become classy is to understand the importance of daily beauty maintenance. And honestly, this maintenance is not anything extensive. In fact, it’s very simple things such as:

  • Maintain well-groomed nails and hair.
  • Opt for a natural makeup look: foundation, mascara, and a touch of lipstick.
  • Keep accessories minimal and elegant.

Day 3: Develop a Classy Mindset

In your final lesson of learning how to become classy, consider your mindset right now. Are you stressed out? have you lost your identity? do you struggle with mom guilt? If you said “Yes” to any of these then you might want to consider journaling.

Journaling has literally been a life raft for so many women and helped them enter into an era of self-discovery and growth. Find a sancuary of relaxation in your home and pour out your inner thoughts sis! I promise you that journaling will allow you to express more gratitude and reveal pains in your life that you have buried inside so long ago.

Becoming a classy woman means addressing traumas so you can present the best attitude and vibes in every room you step into.

Once you tap into yourself, your attitude should embody Inner confidence and grace as key components. Journaling will open the doors for you to learn to listen more and speak thoughtfully. Not only will you exemplify self-control, but you will handle conflicts with poise and diplomacy.

This post was all about how to become classy



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Char Dion

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  1. Well, that was certainly enlightening. Thanks for the insight. I think I overlook my posture.

  2. Great post and tips! I LOVE fragrance.

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